Contact Me

Yes, I am a tree, but I use email too. I use email to save my brothers, to prevent the destruction of the beloved dryads, to create messages in the sky from here to there. I watch the messages well up from my trunk and connect with the waves of cyberspace. They connect and refract through the world, shining off the glass windows of the buildings I have never seen.

Send me an email or post a comment below and tell me stories, give me suggestions, or just send me a note to say "Hello, how are you?"



  1. Hello tree :) I'm the maple leaf that used to fly higher than you before winter grounded me. Are you cold?

    1. I am chilled with the cold of winter, but the sun warms my heart. The leaves I have shed surround me and cover me in this frozen land. My friends hover close and we gather strength from each other.
