Monday, March 9, 2015

The Beasts of Power and the Invisible Spec

There are beings, powerful beings, and they call themselves beasts. It is my lot to watch these beings, and although I have yet to be like my friend the Fir, I have learned their ways. I see them in the forest and hear them in the village. They wander the mountain alone or in groups, and often they carry weapons. What need have they of weapons? Nothing will hurt them. And if there were danger, their voices alone would be enough. Do they not know their power?

But five of them stand in an arc. They study the ground, images of fear graven on their faces. They study something I cannot see. It may be a mole. It may be a mouse. It may be a spider. What it is, I cannot say, but they study it. They were minding their own business when they saw it. It came out of the grass and startled them. And what do they fear?

They fear because their power is great, yet there is one greater. They fear because when they look at that spec in the dust, the one I cannot see, they know if it cries to the man in the moon, it will be their end. For his power is greater. He protects all things. He sustains all things. He loves all things. And he loves that spec I cannot see. He loves it and allows no harm to come to it. It is his. And that is why the beasts fear. Yes, they are powerful. Yes, the spec is invisible. But that invisible spec has a greater force on its side. 

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