Friday, February 21, 2014

Stars Four

Maybe you could just fall in there. You know, you could dip your wings in those pools and feel the light wash over you. There are many, but they are few and far between. They are gold. They are silver. They are the colors of the rainbow, and if you could see the spectrum, you would see one is helium, one is oxygen, one is hydrogen. You could look them in the face and see what they are made of. You could have your choice, though all are good.

You know, you could just stop.

If you saw the spectrum, perhaps you would see the black hole and avoid it. But no, you are not in that danger anyway. The black hole cannot consume you, for its horizon is beyond you.

No, you are not in danger.

But you may bathe if you wish.

Perhaps if you dove into those pools of gold, you would find your wings refreshed. Perhaps you would find your sorrows washed and your sight clean. Perhaps you would rise on the other side of the clouds as a strange new creature.

For those are the clouds beneath you. I know they look like mountains, but they are clouds formed from the mist of my brothers.

Come with me. Take this plunge and find yourself. Your value is more than you know though you choose to disregard it. Do you know who loves you? Do you know who gave you life? Do you know who suffered?

You are valued.

Come with me and see.

See the other side of the clouds. Dip your wings in the waters and learn to swim. Learn to swim, and learn to sink. For we all run. We run from the things we fear, and we run from the things we love. We struggle in the watery storms around us as we mix our metaphors into indecipherable webs. Sink then, and do not swim. For if you swim, all will become confused, and your flight will have been for naught. If you will be still—if you will give in to the waters—you will fall through the sea and find your treasure awaiting you.

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